Genocide Against Tutsi in Rwanda: US Denial Worse Than Is Usually Remembered


By: Nathan J. Robinson

“If the horrors of the Holocaust taught us anything,” Bill Clinton said before becoming president, “it is the high cost of remaining silent and paralyzed in the face of genocide. Even as our fragmentary awareness of crimes grew into indisputable facts, far too little was done. We must not permit that to happen again.” Continue reading

France Can’t Run From its Complicity in the Rwanda’s Genocide Against Tutsi


By Anne Jolis

“I tell you as I saw it,” says Fidéle Simugomwa, a former Hutu-extremist militia chief during the Rwandan genocide, as he sits for an interview with French documentary-maker Serge Farnel. “The French soldiers were standing on the hill, and firing down at the Tutsi. . . . We had a sign so the French didn’t shoot at us—[we had] leaves on.” Continue reading